Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who Brings In The Traffic? Two Weeks And A Bit Report

Ever wondered where an indie game might get some traffic from?

Well now you know!

The first spike is from release day. In hindsight I should have probably had the demo up at that point and I am sure I've lost some sales because of it.

Hacker News and Reddit still lead the way, although getting written on in popular blogs helped with the smaller bumps later on: the first small spike is from the IndieGames blog and the seconds from Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Smaller bloggers seemed to have little effect on visitors, even less than some forums.


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  3. Thanks for the reports jrodman! I have it saved and am working on it.

  4. That's pretty much what I see from my blog as well. Although the small guys can occasionally get a word in with the right people. Kieron used to be my go to guy at RPS but since he's moved on I've not maintained any contacts there.
